Jetts 21 Day Plan


Welcome to your
21 day Training plan!

We are beyond excited to welcome you to the Jetts family — we have a wonderful 21 days ahead of you.

By the end of this process, we want you to feel comfortable in your new gym and equip you with some knowledge that will assist you in achieving your fitness goals.

You will get to know all the funky looking machines, and odd-shaped implements and you will start to build lifelong habits that will get you fit, healthy and feeling spectacular!

Your first day is a simple one. We need to see where you are at.

Grab a cuppa and meet our Training Gym Head Coach Bart as he takes you through what to do on your first day in the gym.

Day 01 Fitness Of Life

Benchmark Test

5 Exercises / 1 minute work / 1 minute rest

DB Push Press
Goblet Squat
DB Burpee
Machine Assisted Pull


Day 02 Get To Know The Neighbours

Here we go team, day 2!

We are hoping you aren’t too sore or tight from yesterday’s efforts. We will explain how to avoid this soreness later on in the plan, but for now welcome to your first strength workout.

Today we will introduce you to the pin loaded machines.

Full Body Workout

2-3 Sets / 8-10 Reps / 1 minute rest between sets

Leg Press
Neutral Grip Pull Down
Hamstring Curl
Leg Extension
Cable Row

Day 03 Nutrition For Beginners

Today we let the body recover and start to sow the seeds of good nutritional habits.

What we eat is essential for good health and fitness, but what’s the best ‘diet’ for you? And what foods should you actually eat?

Day 04 Full Body Workout: Free The Weights!

Today we will expand your exercise vocabulary by introducing you to the world of free weights.

Free weights are simply weights that aren’t machines, and they are a very effective tool for all goals within the gym. It would be remiss of us to not show you the basics!

In today's workout we will be using the same rep and set scheme as day 2, but with some different free weight movements.

Full Body Workout

2-3 Sets / 8-10 Reps / 45sec rest between sets

KB Goblet
Single Arm DB Row
DB Chest Press
KB Deadlift
Alternating V-Sit Toe Touch

Day 05 What Is Integrated Training?

The body is a complex integrated system — so complex that we don’t fully understand it.

What we do know is that nothing within the body works in isolation. This is an important thing to remember when it comes to your training, and indeed your recovery.

Day 06 Mindfulness

Your brain is amazing.

So amazing, that it has the power to control things in your body that you don’t consciously know how to. Because of its breadth of power it is often referred to as the ‘central governor of the body’.

This is an essential responsibility, thus we need to give our noggin a break sometimes, if we don’t, we may start to see some deleterious effects to our physical health AND our mental health.

Today's homework is to give your brain a break. If you commit to this practice that Bart explains (emphasis on practice, stick with it!), you may feel yourself functioning better in all aspects of your life. Including in the gym.

Learn to train your mind to stay present while controlling your attention on positive thoughts.

Day 07 Are You Prepared?

When it comes to making healthy choices in your nutrition, having foresight and thinking ahead is a great practice to adopt.

Living in modern days means there is an abundance of food available to us 24 hours of the day. And, be honest, we have all fallen victim to the easy option of the oily burrito for the quick lunch during a busy day.

As a proud new member of the Jetts Family, we want to gently encourage you to avoid the ‘easy option’ situation by preparing your own cooked, nutritious and delicious food ahead of time.

Trust us, get into the practice of doing this long enough and you will be blown away by the impact of this simple habit.

Day 08 Cardio Workout

Today, my good friends, we dive headfirst into the wonderful world of cardiorespiratory training.

A structured strength training routine is the foundation for our Training Gym philosophy. The bigger the foundation, the greater you can build your fitness house through conditioning work. So this is why we are only encouraging 1 isolated cardio session per week, on top of your strength/integrated sessions.

Trust us, when you harness the power of strength training then strategically add more cardio you will see some incredible long term results.

Today your session is all about intervals. High intensity intervals no less.

Repeated bouts of effort followed by an all important rest period.

Bring a towel to this one...

Cardio Workout

Find a piece of cardio equipment: Treadmill, Rower, Assault Bike etc.

8 Rounds
20sec Work @ 80-90% Effort
40Sec Rest @ 50% Effort

Day 09 Full Body Workout

So we have spent some time with the machines, began a (hopefully) passionate love affair with free weight exercises and have felt the benefits of cardiorespiratory training.

Now we can start mixing all of these elements to create a beautiful symphony of progressive fitness.

Today we will be using some different machines and introducing a few new movements, including some core work.

Full Body Workout

3 Sets / 8-10 Reps / 1 minute rest between sets

KB Deadlift
Walking Lunge
Cable Row
Zottman Curl
Hollow Extension

Day 10 The Deal With Protein

Protein. You have heard it’s important, yes?

Well, we are here to remind you there are so many reasons why we talk about it so much.

That being said we don’t need to rush out and by the biggest tub of powder we can find. Your mission is to simply make protein consumption a habit.

We are slowly adding more simple habits into your lifestyle. Consistently perform these 1%ers and over time you will see their true power.

Day 11 Full Body workout: Integrated Training

OH mama! Lace up your trainers Teamo, we gettin’ fit today! Yehaawww!

This is your first integrated energy system session. Translation: strength and conditioning within the one workout.

Your mission is to make the first 3 exercises challenging by increasing the weight being used (with good technique of course). Don’t forget to take longer rests after these sets.

And for the second part, unleash your inner athlete and get the work done!

Full Body Workout

3 Sets / 6-8 Reps / 1 minute rest between sets

Leg Press
DB Arnold Press
Bent Over KB Row

4 Rounds Alternating Exercises / 1 minute rest between rounds
200m Row
10 Step Up
10 Up Down

Day 12 Sleep

If you're not sleeping well, or long enough at night, use these tips to improve the quality of your rest to ensure you get more of that precious REM sleep. We all have different amounts fo sleep we need, but 6-8 hours is optimal! Start by allowing your body enough time each night to recharge—establish a healthy sleep routine by going to bed and waking up around the same time each day.

When you have a regular wake time, your body actually begins the process of waking up long before your alarm sounds. Ensure your bedroom is dark enough to maintain uninterrupted sleep and try to make sure it's quiet! 🤫 Shhhh! That includes mental chatter: don't try and solve tomorrow's problems, bed time is for sleep!

Turn your phones off at least an hour before bed. The screens promote wakefulness, so don’t get into the habit of scrolling through the 'Gram for too long in bed. Wind down with some gentle music, some real life *conversation*, some light reading or if your palms are sweaty even at the thought of being separated from your phone then find a sleep meditation app that works for you.

Sleep well and you'll be firing on all cylinders in no time!

Day 13 Swole and Flexy

Teamo, today we are getting flexy.

When we stress our body out with exercise, then remain in a seated position all day, our body is forced into some compromising positions. If we don’t address these sub-optimal positions, we are increasing our likelihood of injury, and could be limiting the effect of our workouts.

Never fear, Jetts Coach Sara is here to show you a great whole body mobility routine to keep you supple and flexy.

Do this whenever you feel tight, or perhaps on your rest days to aid recovery.

Day 14 Are you Prepared?

Today’s video is a simple one team. This is a reminder to think ahead with your nutrition.

Don’t forget, this doesn’t need to be a 2 hour cook up, it can be as simple as cooking a little extra for dinner so you can eat it for lunch tomorrow. Remember to keep up your 2 nutritional habits here: 1 serve of veggies + 1 extra serve of protein per day.

Make Bart a happy coach by making this nutritional foresight a habit.

Day 15 Cardio Workout

Today we move slow then finish fast. Kind of like the cycling sprint event in the velodrome. Have you seen that before? It’s pretty cool.

There are some incredible fitness changes that can come from bringing the intensity down a notch. We can teach our body to use a transport oxygen more efficiently when we sustain sub maximal heart rates. This is exactly what we are doing today.

Listen carefully to the intensities that Bart encourages, we need to make sure you aren’t working too hard in the first section, then make sure we are moving fast to finish.

cardio WORKOUT

Find a Treadmill, Eliptical Treadmill, Stationary Bike or Recumbent Bike

20min Total Work
15min Moderate Intensity 50-60% (Hold Heart Rate Steady)
5min High Intensity 80-90% (Finish Fast!)

Day 16 Full Body Workout: Integrated training

If we hit our intensities correctly yesterday, you should feel charged and ready to attack this workout. Which is good, because we have added a bit of spice to this one.

We are still focusing on slow, controlled, heavy movements for the first 2 movements, and then introduce you to an EMOM, one of the best ways to develop your work capacity.

Make sure you do a thorough warm up before this one!

Full Body Workout

3 Sets / 6-8 Reps / 1 minute rest between sets

Dual KB Deadlift
DB Reverse Lunge

EMOM (Every Minute On The Minute) 4 Rounds
Minute 1: 15 TRX Row
Minute 2: 15 DB Push Press
Minute 3: 100m Row

Day 17 Clean Cooking

How much food do I eat? We get this question a lot.

So today we are guiding you through making a perfectly balanced meal using your hands as a portion guide.

It’s good to note that an individual's metabolism is a complex beast. How complex?! Check out this map of your metabolism, it’s Bart’s favourite picture ever: Rosch’s metabolic pathway map, so it’s your mission to experiment with different foods that work for your body.

We should be focusing on whole natural foods that support our training. Once we have found an amount that allows us to recover and fuel our workouts, then we can begin playing with more/less amounts.

Day 18 Full Body Workout: Integrated Training

Congratulations for making it to day 18! Virtual fist bump!

A big component of the Training Gym philosophy is objective measurement, in this context this means to test then retest our fitness to see our progress.

Today we repeat the workout performed on day 1. We want you to pay attention to how this feels in comparison to 3 weeks ago.

You should feel you can move through greater ranges of motion.

You should feel more stable in your movements.

And hopefully you will see an improvement in your overall score.

But first, some homework: squat practice.

Full Body Workout


Box Squat Practice for 15 minutes

Benchmark Retest

5 Exercises / 1 minute / 1 minute rest

DB Push Press
Goblet Squat
DB Burpee
Machine Assisted Pull

Day 19 Muscle Soreness

By now, you may have experienced the wonderful occurrence of muscle soreness days after exercising. Emphasis on 'wonderful'...

In today’s video Bart explains why this may happen, what it means, and how to avoid it.

Also, only 2 more days left of your 21 day plan! Stay tuned for information about motivation and where to go next.

Day 20 Mastering Motivation

Positivity is the wave to catch in 2021! Getting fit might be challenging, it might be tough... but it should always be fun!

There is no destination in your health and fitness. There will be no point where you say ‘Yep, I’m fit enough and am finally healthy’.

The entire process is ongoing and fluid. We at Jetts know this. That’s why we want you to fall in love with the process, not the result.

The feeling of lifting something you have never lifted before.
The feeling after doing a workout faster than you ever have.
The feeling of a clear mind and clean nutrition.
The feeling of being a part of something bigger than yourself.

This is what it’s about.

Go after those goals and don't let fear hold you back. Remember to always give yourself some time out to relax and refocus your mind with positive self talk.

Day 21 Where To Now?

Congratulations on making it through your 21 Day Plan!

Over the last 21 days, we have introduced you to a number of training styles.

Pin-loaded machines.
Free weights.
Steady state cardio.
Integrated training.

And we have given you some lifestyle habits to conquer.

1 extra portion of veggies per day.
1 extra portion of protein per day.
Having a meal prepared for the coming day.
Practicing wide gaze meditation whenever possible.
Waking up at a similar time every day.

These fundamental training styles and habits will give you a great foundation to achieve any of your health and fitness goals.

The key though, is to do them consistently.

Whatever your next step within Jetts is, always remember you are not alone in club. Your Team Members can point you in the right direction, whilst also letting you know of any programs, promotions or challenges coming up.

Good luck out there. We will see you in the gym.